when september ends

I feel, it’s been a while since I posted quality stuff. I don’t know if I can write a pulled together blog today. (And it’s been like this for days now.) But certainly feel the need to write. But mostly it’s about things I am not proud to talk about. They are ramblings that still await revelation, breakthrough, freedom, peace, answers, solutions, happy endings.

Happy endings.

Sometimes it’s all we can think of. Sometimes the thought of getting rid of a present irritant or struggle gets so intoxicating. Sometimes, I wait for the breakthrough with the mindset of ‘enduring the process.’ I’ll endure this. I’ll go through this with eyes closed. Wake me up when breakthrough is here. Wake me up when the answer is near. Wake me up once all this is over. K?

But that is not God’s will! So thank you Bill Johnson for teaching about process:

Oftentimes we weigh our spirituality, we weigh our measure of success, our measure of maturity, by outcome instead of our ability to embrace and celebrate process. Process is one of the most important parts of the Christian life that I believe is seriously misunderstood.

….I really believe that in every problem is a seed of Kingdom explosion, of advancement and promotion. The key to the breakthrough is on how you handle the problem.

I’m trying to remember now how these words hit me the first time I heard them.  As James had commanded, “Count it all joy!” Oh joy! Haha. The irony of enjoying your undone moments. The irony of loving the present, in all its imperfections.

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