my wake up call


Here’s a wake up call for me this month. You know that feeling when you see or read something and you know it’s for you and you have a choice that very moment whether to (1) say, “Ah, true true. I should act on this reminder!”; or (2) *Actually do something about it, now*

Well, I did no. 2. (So proud of me.) And getting sick one more time forced me to really do something. Ack. I turned down four clients and one social activity in a span of 10 days.

But it’s not a one-time decision, I should say. Everyday, we are called to do one of two things: Focus more or focus less.

So which one is it for you? 🙂

8 thoughts on “my wake up call

  1. This is good food for thought! I think I really need to focus on less, too! Sometimes, we put so much pressure on ourselves, it’s no wonder we struggle to achieve! Argh!

    Well done, for taking the first step! 🙂


    1. Sometimes there’s so much we want to do and we think we can do all of them at the same time! Haha. At least that’s how I feel sometimes.

      Thanks Amanda! 🙂 Go for it. Focus. Hummmm…


      1. I’m taking a much needed break to Thailand at the end of the week! The sea, sand and sun should help enormously 🙂

        You’re right, we need to be kinder to ourselves! We only have so many hours in the day – cramming everything in, isn’t the way to go!


      2. Yes yes. And they say multitasking is not healthy.

        Oh wow! Hurray for Thailand and the beach! Have an awesome time!


  2. When teaching there was never time to pause except at summer break. Now, in retirement, I really get to focus on the daily rituals of life and enjoy the quiet and slow moments.


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