Gasping for Glory

I dream of heaven following us around. I don’t want to call forth God’s glory to a place that I go to. I wanna walk a carrier of His glory. That when I get there, so has His glory arrived. I want His glory to surround me and to go with me wherever I go, like a sphere or like a trail or like an atmosphere. I wanna walk in His presence. I want every step to be by His grace. I want to abide not daily but by every breath, abiding by my Jesus. I want to hunger for Him wherever I go. To breath His presence, be desperate for it like fish is desperate for water. I want to be desperate for His glory. I don’t want to walk in a desperate place and just suck it all in. That’s what we usually do when we see someone suffering or someone in sin. We suck it all in. Because we lack a revelation of God’s glory. I don’t want to suck it all in anymore. I am wretched, poor and needy, no not before my salvation, but even now that I am not yet walking in the fullness of His glory. We need more. We need to admit that we need more. And we need to walk (eat, read, teach, work, love, and pray pray pray pray pray) with that awareness that we need more of Him. Jesus never sucked it all in. He stooped down, healed, casted out demons, comforted people, forgave sins, brought real hope and not just flowery promises.

As one man of God said, “The world does not need our opinion of worship, the world does not need our songs, the world does not need our music. The world needs worship. The world needs Jesus.” I dream of us, his children, being Jesus to every person and every place. I dream of worship as a breath by breath lifestyle. Because the world is waiting (hungry, desperate, gasping) for His glory.

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